
Hi! I’m Connor Christian. Welcome!

I’m an avid programmer and web designer seeking oppurtunities to gain hands on experience within a company that embraces creativity and innovation.

My philosophy is that programming can be an art just as much as it is a science. I strive to blend creativity with efficiency to produce well written code, that is also easy on the eyes.

To stay on top of all the coding languages I know, I like to do side projects that are rewritten in those languages to keep me sharp.




Computer Science, M.S.
Florida State University January 2018 – May 2019 Tallahassee, FL GPA: 3.6

Computer Science, B.S.
Florida State University June 2013 – December 2017 Tallahassee, FL Minors in Physics & Mathematics
GPA: 3.5
Combined MS/BS Coursework:


Python Developer
Hibou Corp. September 2020 – January 2021 Remote Work

Back-End Software Developer
IBM – Cloud Division June 2019 – June 2020 Durham, NC

Graduate Teaching Assistant
FSU Department of Computer Science January 2018 – May 2019 Tallahassee, FL

Support Technician
FSU Research Computing Center June 2016 – December 2017 Tallahassee, FL


E.C. Allen Scholarship House January 2016 – December 2017 Tallahassee, FL

Technical Skills

Programming Languages

Web Development

Development Tools


connorjc @ GitHub Bitbucket

A Non-Invasive Productivity Tracker for Programmers

This was my master's capstone project.

I developed a web application that monitored a user's computer usage in a non-invasive and lightweight fashion to help isolate distracting behavioural patterns. The project was developed in Python utilizing the Flask framework as well as performing commandline tools to gather system information and stored striped data in a SQLite database.

The web UI is designed as a visualizer for the data stored in the SQLite database as well as containing the ability to modify the data stored in the database and export as a JSON object.

The corresponding paper written on the project can be found here.


This was my database class project. I worked on a team of three. My team scored best project in the course with a robust database and detailed UI.

I developed most of the web UI and set up the MySql database hosted on my home server. The project was developed in Python utilizing the Flask framework. A teammeber and I pair programmed the core functionality.

BMBuddy is a web application aimed at the Buisness Managers of the Southern Scholarship Foundation, who go shopping every week for, on average, 17 students per scholarship house with a weekly budget of around $400.

The inspiration for this tool is to help the students who hold this officer position go shopping quicker and more efficiently.

The program keeps track of what they are spending, where they are shopping, and what the other house residents want this week.


This was a project that I spearheaded for my internship with the Research Computing Center at FSU and is currently deployed on their servers.

My task was to automate synchronizing a mailman listserv with the department's MySQL database of users. The constraints I had to work with was writing a headless script using mailman's front end.

Linux From Scratch and Beyond

Building Linux From Scratch (LFS), and Beyond Linux From Scratch (BLFS), is a challenging and rewarding exercise for a system administrator. In doing this, I have become thoroughly familiar with all of the parts of a Linux system.

I built my LFS distro using qemu and salix .
To try it, download blfs and install qemu.

Run qemu:

qemu-system-x86_64  \
    -hda blfs.img   \
    -boot d         \
    -m 2048


sysadmin-107 login: testuser


This was my software engineering class project. I worked on a team of eight, subdivided into two teams, Android and Server, with two subdivisions each. This was so everyone was able to pair program.

I was head of the Android team. Not only did I code, I also made sure my team met each deadline as well as kept up documentation and communication with the rest of the group over slack.

PizzaPi is an Android application where a user can submit a list of ingredients and will receive a list of recipes that can be made with those ingredients. PizzaPi provides a quick and easy way to learn new recipes with the ingredients they have in their homes.


This is my rendition of the classic minesweeper game written in python. I have followed as closely as I could to the orginal windows version; however, I made it very customizable using different commandline options. I intend to implement a GUI in the near future.

The intent of this excercise was to further develop my python programming skills in my free time.